
Hi, I’m static.

My name is static, and I am an experienced Systems Administrator. My research and engineering interests are mainly in the areas of cloud technologies, systems engineering, and general computer science.

I graduated from Portsmouth University (UK) with a master’s (MSc) degree in Computer Network Administration and Management (Distinction) and a bachelor’s (BEng Honours) degree in Computer Networks. I did my dissertation on -then-current- virtualization technologies and the comparison between 4 (four) hypervisors (type-1 and type-2).

Currently, I hold more than 15 certifications from ISC(2), Microsoft, Citrix, and others.

I am a perfectionist. I enjoy troubleshooting and solving complex problems cleanly. I also enjoy designing solutions to everyone’s needs and implementing them using modern tools and technologies. Additionally, I was early accustomed to documenting installations and configuration procedures to allow easier maintenance, repetition, and archiving. It is not easy to remember the specific steps taken to configure a system or what change occurred 3 months ago, so instead of trying to remember I can check my journal for the relevant information.

My quest into computers and information systems started in 1988 when my parents brought home a Hyundai Super 16 TE personal computer with an Intel 8088 @ 10MHz, 640KB RAM, a 20MB HDD and MS-DOS v3.3 where I spent most of my time in DOS on a green monitor.

Now more than 30 years later I still love the feeling of sitting in front of a computer terminal.

About This Site

The main purposes of this website are listed here:
– Provide how-tos and guides to simple and complex systems, technologies, and concepts both new and older,
– Document the troubleshooting process for solving real problems,
– Present my independent projects,
– Record my curriculum and achievements.

It should be noted that all the contents of this website are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employers.


If you would like to cite the blog posts and articles on this site, please use the URLs.

Contact Me

For collaborations and advising, please contact me via my Email.

If you have any questions or critical comments regarding my blog posts, please post your questions under the blog post. This will be beneficial for all the readers and save time for not answering duplicated questions.